Journey to V7: Rocking the First Friday (1/5/2018)

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Today was the first Friday of 2018 so I wanted to bring it in with a bang. I climbed hard today and felt really good about my workout. Here are the stats:

Warmup 10 pullups
Grade Outcome Points
V0 0.5
V1 1
V2 2
V3 ✓✓✓ 9
V4 ✓✓✓✓✓× 21
V5 ✓✓×××× 14
TOTAL 47.5
Cooldown 15 pull-ups
25 pushups
15 pull-ups
15 pushups
25 ab reps
Recap 13 sends, 5 failures

2018 YTD

  • 23 sends (+13)
  • 7 failures (+5)
  • 75 pull-ups (+40)
  • 65 pushups (+40)
  • 25 ab reps (+25)

Overall, I was in the gym for about an hour and a half today. Really happy to have cleared three more V4s in this session compared to my prior one, and to have sent one more V5. I had a number of failures at the end of my session (four consecutive), but I’m glad I hit the walls each time on those V5s versus picking up some easy wins with lower grades. My point total today was 47.5, a huge jump from my climb on Tuesday.

Aside from my actual climbing training, I worked in 40 pull-ups and pushups, as well as a short ab workout. I’ll aim to workout my abs once every three workouts; since I have a pretty low body-fat percentage, I don’t find working out my abs every session does much with respect to building core strength further.

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