Retrospective #4: Recapping sessions 31-40 of 2018

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Another ten workouts have passed since my last retrospective, which means it’s time to check out how I’ve been climbing lately. In case you haven’t been following along, I look at my climbing data every ten workouts to stay aware of general trends. Here’s the link to my third retrospective.

This stretch was pretty good, but not as strong as sessions #21-30. I managed to send one V6 during this stretch, as well as my first 5.11d (marked as a V7 below). I felt I struggled with consistency, with some days being really good climbs and others being pretty lackluster. Nonetheless, I kept my point average generally consistent, as you’ll read about below.


Grade Count %
V0 13 9.92%
V1 19 14.50%
V2 21 16.03%
V3 27 20.61%
V4 27 20.61%
V5 22 16.79%
V6 1 0.76%
V7 1 0.76%


Grade Count %
V0 0
V1 0
V2 0
V3 3 4.35%
V4 11 15.94%
V5 31 44.93%
V6 19 27.54%
V7 5 7.25%
V8 0


Exercises Count Average/Session
Pull-Ups 200 20
Pushups 0 0
Biceps 35 3.5
Triceps 20 2
Forearms 40 4
Shoulders 20 2
Squats 175 17.5
Chest 25 2.5
Peg Board / Hang or Campus Board 0 0
Abs 205 20.5
Total Points 478.5 47.85

Visualized into a pie chart, here are my sends and failures from my latest ten sessions. I’m not sure why the V6 label doesn’t show in my Google Sheet, but didn’t have time to dig into it. It’s the sliver to the left of V7 though.

Overall, I’m happy I sent more V5s during these last ten sessions than I did in my third stretch. I’m also happy to have PR’ed on that 5.11d which I counted as a V7 (don’t worry though, the goal of this log is to send an actual V7 bouldering problem, not top-rope).

For this fourth stretch, my average point total was 47.85, -2.05 from the last stretch. I’m not too bummed about that though — my third stretch was clearly exceptional for me and I felt much better about those ten sessions than I did during sessions #31-40.

I diversified a bit in terms of general cool down compared to retrospective #3, with more broader body work. I also reprioritized abs since I felt I dropped the ball there earlier.

The highlight of this stretch was definitely sending my first 5.11d. That felt awesome. Looking forward to getting to session #50 in the coming weeks!

Best session in this stretch: 3/25/2018 – 74 points, my first time at First Ascent Humboldt Park.

Worst session: 3/20/2018 – 32 points. A day I couldn’t send one particular V5.

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