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Category: Climbing Tips

How Many Calories Do You Burn Rock Climbing?

How Many Calories Do You Burn Rock Climbing?

We can all agree that climbing is an exciting and fun alternative to the gym and a great way to socialize. You might be wondering: Is rock climbing equivalent to the gym or other types

How to Mantle: Climbing Techniques & Moves

How to Mantle: Climbing Techniques & Moves

Climbing and mountaineering mainly started because early climbers wanted to get to the top. The top of a mountain, a boulder, a cliff, they had a set target. The mantle is the main move required

How to Backstep Climbing Techniques & Moves

How to Backstep: Climbing Techniques & Moves

Knowing how to backstep is crucial when you’re progressing your technique from beginner climber to intermediate or advanced levels. When you started climbing, especially if you didn’t have someone to teach you, you probably always

How to Flag: Climbing Techniques & Moves

How to Flag: Climbing Techniques & Moves

Looking to up your climbing technique? Knowing how to flag is a good place to start. When you start climbing, you usually rely on pulling yourself up with your arms and not paying too much

How to Smear: Climbing Techniques & Moves

How to Smear: Climbing Techniques & Moves

Improving your climbing depends so much on understanding how to use your feet. The longer you climb, you realize there are multiple ways you can use your feet to climb more efficiently. Good footwork will

How to Drop Knee: Climbing Techniques & Moves

How to Drop Knee: Climbing Techniques & Moves

Knowing how to drop knee well is a crucial climbing skill. Many beginner climbers tend to use brute force to climb up, only looking for the next hand hold they will grab, just pulling with